Cover Crops - Elite Genetics. Exceptional Results.

ProHarvest Seeds is your source for cutting edge cover crop needs.

As growers, we know that we cannot control weather or prices. However, we can be proactive with a cover crop plan. Over time, a well-developed strategy can erase the stubborn yield limitations of our land. In combination with new seed genetics and technology innovations, cover crop usage will begin to break through that yield barrier.

We have an extensive line-up of wheat, alfalfa, forage seeds, and cover crops. I offer hands-on agronomic services such as crop scouting, UAV scouting options, and soil testing. Rohrer Seed Solutions aims to be your partner on your farm.

ProHarvest Seeds Forage and Cover Crop Guide

We've produced a comprehensive guide specifically for Forage and Cover Crops. Along with a team of Seed Specialists and Dealers across the Midwest, ProHarvest Seeds can help you find the right solution for your land. Feel free to download our current Forage and Cover Crop Guide.

Cover Crop Blends

Radishes, Oats

Radishes, Rapeseed, Winter Rye, Winter Barley

Radishes, Annual Ryegrass

Winter Rye, Radish

Radishes, Crimson Clover, Fixation Balsana

8-way Blend, Grasses, Legumes, Brassicas