Profitable sustainability through data-driven agronomics

  • Who is Arva?

    Arva Intelligence seamlessly connects growers, through their advisors and suppliers, to buyers in the growing environmental markets. Arva’s agronomic AI delivers verified assets and transparency to producers and buyers alike —maximizing land values today and well into the future. Arva’s mission is to champion agriculture’s massive role in this global journey towards sustainability, and it goes far beyond just carbon.

  • How It Works.

    We know you already collect tons of agronomic data, Arva has built a data aggregation solution that consolidates your existing streams to uncover clear agronomic insights for recommendations that maximize your field profit and quantify the environmental value of acre by acre. When you decide to capitalize on that environmental value, we match your fields with the programs that are the best opportunities for your operation.

  • Our Partnership with Arva.

    Rohrer Seeds will connect your operation with buyers of environmental assets through Arva’s ag AI platform. Our goal is to work with you to provide as “whole farm approach” to generate and monetize environmental assets, including carbon credits, sustainability claims, Scope 3 emission reductions and low carbon (carbon intensity or CI) scores. We will evaulate every field, populated with your data, and determine your best option in the Environmental Asset Market and create an environmental asset plan using custom agronomic/biological packages based on agronomic optimization which will deliver the best fit to be successful in the rapidly evolving environmental market.

  • How to get started?

    Working with Arva, we will be able to provide our customers with the most net profit per acre possible by streamlining processes. This holistic approach reduces the agronomic data collection burden on growers and helps us tailor sustainability programs with minimum lift for maximum benefit. Contact Greg today for more information or to get started on your journey towards sustainability on your farm.

    Greg Simmons, Owner RSS, CCA
    Cell: 217-899-7722